Would you rather...


50+ would you rather questions for Children's Would You Rather

Engage children with fun and imaginative would you rather questions designed just for them!

Would you rather FAQs

What is Would You Rather?

Would You Rather is a conversational game that presents players with two hypothetical scenarios, often humorous, bizarre, or thought-provoking. Players must choose which of the two options they would prefer if forced to pick one.

How to play Would You Rather?

To play Would You Rather, one player poses a question with two options to the group. Each player must choose one of the two options. The player who posed the question reveals the correct answer, and players who chose incorrectly must perform a forfeit or penalty.

What are some examples of Would You Rather questions?

Would you rather questions can be funny, deep, or flirty. For example, Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible? or Would you rather have a rewind button for your life or a pause button?

How many players can participate in a Would You Rather game?

Would You Rather can be played with any number of players, but it is most enjoyable with at least three participants. The more players, the more diverse the answers and the more fun the game!

How can I make Would You Rather play funnier?

To make Would You Rather more entertaining, you can:

  • Create outrageous or absurd scenarios that force players to think creatively
  • Incorporate inside jokes or references specific to your friend group
  • Add a rule where players have to act out their choice for 30 seconds
  • Include a Debate Round where two players argue for their chosen options
  • Use themes relevant to current events or pop culture for timely humor Remember, the funniest moments often come from the discussions and explanations players give for their choices.